Thursday, January 9, 2014

Review: Focus T25

Happy Second Week of the New Year!  I hope no one froze on Monday or Tuesday...
My puppies responded to the cold with alternating insanity and ultra-cuddliness.

All cuteness aside...
I wanted to do a quick plug for another program from my main man, Shaun T:

Last year, he introduced Focus T25, a program targeted at people who simple don't have time for the hour-long workouts normally produced by Beachbody (namely P90X & Insanity).  It was promoted as being able to deliver 60 minutes-worth of results in under half an hour.  Amazing!

But does it work?  The answer: it depends.  If you have significant gains to make and are very diligent with your diet (read: low cal), then sure.  I bet it can give you great results, primarily because it won't exhaust you the way daily, hour-long sweat-fests will.  If you have already been doing intense, explosive cardio and weights, then you probably won't be able to achieve a fantastically transformed physique at the end of 10 weeks with this program alone.

Now, here's a breakdown of the program:
25 minutes x 6 days a week (or the option to do doubles on Friday and have Saturday off)
10 week schedule (5 weeks of Alpha and 5 weeks of Beta)
- 5 Alpha workouts (Cardio, Speed 1.0, Total Body Circuit, Ab Intervals, and Lower Focus)
- 5 Beta workouts (Core Cardio, Speed 2.0, RipT Circuit, Dynamic Core, and Upper Focus)
- Stretch (also 25 minutes and optional every Sunday)
- Bonus: Core Speed

They include a resistance band, workout calendar, and nutrition guide with the program, which sells for $120 + $20 shipping on Beachbody's website or $140 with free 2-day shipping on Amazon Prime.  There is an advanced Gamma phase that you can order separately, but I don't have it so I can't tell ya about it.

Most of the workouts are progressive circuits, but Core Speed and Speed 2.0 are choreographed closely with the music (not necessarily dance moves, but he strings it together like a dance workout). There is no structured warm-up, no breaks, and no stretch included in the 25 minutes, but each video has a 3 min cool-down tacked on at the end.  The music is surprisingly good and times perfectly with the exercises.  The cast includes a postpartum Tonia, of Insanity fame, demonstrating low-impact modifications, her husband, and Shaun T's husband.

All the videos are cardio-focused, even the ones that are meant to be strength.  The theme is: Move Fast, with Intention and with Good Form.  There are no high-impact, explosive moves (read: power jumps) like you get with Insanity - which is great for those of you still resistant to Plyometrics.  The program is also good for people who love cardio but can't take the knee-abuse.  I burned between 200 and 250 calories, and that tracks pretty well with most of the moderate to intense cardio that I do.

There are quite a few youtube videos of people doing the Core Speed routine, if you want to see what the moves look like.

Overall, I recommend the program to those who love cardio, need some basic strength work, and are short on time.  Also, people with $140 lying around.

Hopefully, I'll be back this weekend with a new FREE workout to share!


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