Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Contributors!

New Week, New Name.

I'd like you welcome some new contributors!  I want to create a well-rounded resource for people looking to include new workouts and recipes into their arsenal.  I figured the best way to accomplish that would be to invite some new authors.

I'm going to let them introduce themselves below.  Shout out your welcome in the comments!

Hello all and thank you so much Becky for inviting me on here!  I have always wanted to do a fitness/workout blog but never had the drive of my own to sit down and actually do one so kudos to you.

A little back ground history for those who don't know me:
Name: Geoff
Occupation: Engineer
Athletic Interest: NCAA soccer player, marathon / half marathon runner, and gym junkie
Age: 26
Nickname: Nerd in the weight room

So as I said, i was really excited when Becky said she was going to be adding some new contributors to her blog and couldn't wait to be a part of it.  She then went on to ask what I would like to contribute to the blog and this was a harder question to answer than expected.  I have always been a huge fitness junkie.  With soccer all through college, I then became a crazy marathon runner and have now transitioned into a weight lifting regiment.  With all that said, I decided it would be best to share with you my experiences whether it be in the weight room, on the running path, on the soccer pitch, or even in the kitchen.  There is a TON of information out there, and not all of is correct as well as most of it is taken out context.  I look forward to sharing my experiences and all that I have learned along the way.  So get ready to sweat, learn, and most importantly, eat.


Hello everyone! I am very excited that Becky has asked for my input for this blog. I've considered blogging about my fitness and diet adventures before, but never really had time and didn't know how to get started. I am a 4th year medical student currently applying to OBGYN residency programs. I have always been very active and began cheering competitively and tumbling in middle school, competed on two cheerleading teams throughout all four years of high school, and continued to cheer in college, although no longer competitively. I also got some experience with olympic-style lifting and traditional weightlifting programs during college. January of my first year of medical school I started running and ran my first 10K that May, several 5Ks after that, and finally my first half-marathon February of 2012. I also started going to a bootcamp at a local gym around that time. July 2012 I moved to a new clinical campus for my last two years of school and it was then that I started crossfit.

I have tried several different strategies with my diet, from portion control to strict calorie counting. In January 2013, I decided to participate in a Whole30 challenge with my crossfit gym. I stuck to Whole30 for 31 days, then continued to eat strict Whole30 during the week with breaks on the weekends for another several months until I switched to Paleo. Now I eat about 60-70% Paleo.

I am looking forward to sharing what I've learned along my personal fitness journey and my experiences with crossfit and Whole30/Paleo/Primal (including some amazing recipes), but I'm also very excited to see what other people have to share about their experiences as well!

As a final note, I want to highlight a recent article in the British Medical Journal that touts exercise as equal to medicine in preventing death from a second heart attack, and perhaps better than medicine at preventing stroke-related mortality.  As if you needed another reason to get off the couch and move!


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