Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Live, Love, Crossfit!

As my first real blog I thought I would just outline some things about the way I choose to workout. I don’t know how familiar people are with crossfit and many times when people ask me what I do they’re response is cross-what? My goal is to provide you with a non-biased, objective description of this style of training, but it’ll be hard since there are so many things that I love about what I do. So what is crossfit?...now that could be a fully-loaded question! For me personally, it’s the best of many aspects of working out: Olympic lifting, fast pace cardio, gymnastics movements, body-weight exercises, sometimes high rep, sometimes low rep, sometimes heavy weight, and sometimes not as heavy weight. One of my favorite things about crossfit is that I never get bored. There are so many WODs (Work out of the Day) and movement combinations that if you never wanted to do the same workout twice, you probably could. Although repeating the same WODs and lifts from time to time will allow you to measure your progress objectively. Switching from one movement to the next helps me to think less about how tired I am or how out of breath I am and more about pushing myself to get through this movement, this rep, this round, and before you know it….you’ve finished the workout! Because there are so many movements, there are always challenges and always things that you could be better at. If WODs start getting easier, do it faster or add more weight. While I don’t feel that anyone could say, “I have mastered the sport of crossfit,” it is also 100% scalable. If you’re just starting crossfit or maybe just starting to workout period, you can customize the WODs to your level of comfort and still get an awesome workout by scaling (aka lowering) the reps, the rounds, and/or the weight. For most of the movements there are even scaled movements, movements that can be substituted for those who can’t yet do prescribed movements whether it be for lack of strength, comfort, or due to injury. Periodically I will post links to specific crossfit programming sites and try to post scale down movements for those who are just starting crossfit, working up to Rx movements, or trying to do WODs at home with limited equipment. I would also encourage you to keep track of your workouts because it always feels good to look back at the last time you went for a one-rep max on a lift or did a WOD so you can see your progress!

When starting this blog, I asked for feedback about what all I should include. One of the common answers I received was about what the lifestyle of a crossfitter is like and how I make it fit into my schedule. Just like the WODs we do, you can commit to as much or as little of the “crossfit” lifestyle as you want….although just like anything else, you’ll only get out what you put in. Many crossfitters eat Paleo, some are more strict than others. Most crossfitters believe in scheduled rest days, some play their workout schedule by ear by listening to when their bodies tell them that they need rest. Everything you do must work for you, and what works for you may not work for someone else so most of what my boyfriend and I do has been determined by trial and error. We eat mostly paleo with a max of 3 cheat meals per week. Every morning we both have a protein shake for breakfast. The protein that we use is the only non-paleo item that we consume on a daily basis (and we don’t count this toward our cheat meals). I have my protein mixed with water or almond milk after every workout as well. We take 2 rest days every week. Thursday is our strict rest day…we usually do nothing as far as exercise. Sundays are usually our second rest day, but is most often, but not always, more of an active rest day….we’ll typically go for a family run with our furchild or maybe hiking. Being committed to working out almost everyday makes for a busy week for us. James and I usually get up around 4:30-5:00am, fix our shakes and coffee, take care of our dog, and start our day at work and at the hospital, respectively. We get home at varying times depending on the day, but usually between 4 and 5pm. We get ready and go workout around 5-5:30pm and are there until 7:30 or 8pm. Then its hurry home, fix and eat dinner, shower, and get in bed to do it all again tomorrow. My schedule varies depending on what rotation I am on and how much I have to study, which in turn determines how much time I allow myself to stay in the gym. During my third year when my days were longer and I had to study more, I limited my workouts to an hour and usually just did my box’s (crossfit terms for my gym) daily WOD. Now in my fourth year when my schedule is a little more lax and all my board exams are done, for now, I let myself stay at the gym longer (although this may change soon as I’m preparing for an away rotation in a couple weeks and getting ready to dive head first into interview season). Needless to say that with days like these, how do we also find time to prepare a healthy dinner rather than giving into the convenience of unhealthy fast food? My solution is plan ahead! Quick and easy meals and crockpot dinners have also become my best friends (so get excited about all the recipes that will be coming very soon)!

I think that the some of the most important things to keep in mind in regards to your health is:
1.                     We are not gingerbread cookies, therefore, there are no universal cookie cutter programs or diets that will work for everyone. I hope that when you read my blogs and other information on this topic that you take the information and make it your own…tweak it to fit your body and your lifestyle.
2.                     As my amazing boyfriend always reminds me: “Hailey, focus on the little victories!” You will not go from a couch potato to giving Rich Froning and Samantha Briggs (the winners of the 2013 Crossfit Games) a run for their money overnight. If you’re not active at all right now, focus on getting up and moving because something is better than nothing. If you are active, maybe you’ll get a PR (personal record) today, or this week, or maybe this month, but maybe not so concentrate on progress! So you couldn’t hit more weight on your lift, but you looked stronger and more solid and had better technique this time or maybe you got a few seconds faster or a couple more reps in on a WOD than you did last you did it.  
3.                     Read labels, know what you’re putting in your body! You’d be surprised to know what items have sugar and other nastiness added to them (more to come on paleo/whole30) J
4.                     Love what you do. I feel better, physically and mentally, when I eat paleo, which is why I chose to do it. I feel better and see more results when I crossfit and work on my Oly lifts so that’s what I do predominantly, but I also run and do yoga sometimes too. If you don’t love what you do, what you eat, and the way you feel then you won’t stick to any plan no matter how good it is or how much data there is to support that it works.
5.                     Abs are made in the kitchen. You can work out from sun up to sundown, but nothing substitutes for eating right. I see the biggest changes in how lean my body does and does not look when I look at what I’ve been eating. Just because you workout doesn’t mean you can pig out!

I promise my next blog won’t be so long and will be something you can apply, a workout or a yummy recipe! J Please feel free to post any questions, feedback, and/or constructive criticisms in the comments below! 

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