Sunday, December 29, 2013

21 Day Challenge: Lesson Learned: Preparation, Preparation, Preparation...

So, my blog coverage of the 21 Day NTHS Challenge was not the first time I failed to follow through with a plan (nor the last).  Unfortunately, life is full of times when there just isn't enough time or energy to do all we want, and I think it's important to get up, dust off, and try once more.

I made it almost 18 days without sugars and sweeteners (with a couple of cheat meals or snacks), and I can tell my palate is greatly changed.  Hopefully, all the holiday indulgence hasn't reversed too much of that change...

The biggest lesson I learned from the challenge was the importance of preparation.  I knew going into it that I would have to be prepared for finding appropriate snacks on the go and getting the week's food bought and partially prepared on Sunday.  Still, I wasn't ready for the daily amount of work required when you're cooking every meal from whole ingredients.  I also wasn't ready for the time it would have taken to keep everyone updated through the blog as I was going through the challenge.  I know now that for future challenges, it will be best to pre-write as much as possible and schedule a time each day to work on the blog.

I hope a few people were able to benefit from the workout schedule and week 1 meal plan.  I really enjoyed mixing up my workouts and found it to be a pretty refreshing schedule.  I tried Zumba for the first time - kind of loved it and plan to add it to my regular workouts.  Maybe this coming year I can encourage you to try something outside your comfort zone?!  I've been busily pinning tons of workouts to review for you.  In 2014, I'd love to bring you at least 2 new (free) routines each month.

Speaking of the new year, I want to share with you some of my personal resolutions (yes, I'm one of those eternally hopeful fools):
- Eat MORE fresh, raw fruits and veggies
- Cook MORE dinners with my husband
- Life MORE weights with my husband
- Pay MORE attention to how exercise makes me feel
- Get MORE sleep
- Spend MORE on products that I really need and love (forget the rest)
- Donate MORE stuff to people who need it
- Give away MORE hugs and kisses to the people I love
- Call my parents MORE
- Enjoy MORE time outside
- Write MORE blog posts ;-)

I know resolutions can feel like you're just asking for disappointment, but as someone much more insightful that me once pointed out, the attempt alone is progress and every year you come a little closer... The important part is to avoid words like "failure" or "give up" when you realize that life has once again become bigger than your desire to be perfect.  Resolutions can be a way to reflect on where you are now and to refocus on your health and happiness.  If you make them, don't let them be a burden.

Well, that's about all I've got for now.  I hope everyone enjoys their remaining holidays and has a happy, fun and safe New Years Eve!

Just to tempt you into trying to go 21 days without added sugars, I'll share some delicious images from my kitchen:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

NTHS 21 Day Challenge : Day 2

Happy TWOsday!
(get it...because Day 2?)

So excited to be one day down!  And what better way to celebrate the end of day 1 than with that delicious Mexi-Meatloaf.  The portions were HUGE and we still have plenty for lunch today (which I am definitely looking forward to).

Well, today started much like yesterday, with a yummy Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffin (that I topped with avocado and some extra Frank's) and a cuppa tea.  Yesterday I discovered that unsweetened coffee with whole milk is surprisingly palatable, color me impressed :)

Tuesday means Strength Training, and the hubby and I are headed to the gym for real weights BUT I didn't want to leave you hangin' so here's a No Equipment Leg Toning Routine courtesy of Self Mag.

You're going to do 3 sets of each move or go straight through the circuit 3 times.

1. Rear Reshaper: start on all fours, knees under hips, hands slightly in front of shoulders. Lift right knee to side at hip level; trace 12 large circles clockwise (as shown), then 12 the other way. Switch legs; repeat.

2. Butt Lifter: Lie face-up, knees bent, feet flat. Extend right leg toward ceiling, toes pointed. Squeeze glutes and lift hips to form a straight diagonal from left knee to shoulders (as shown). Raise hips higher, then lower to floor for 1 rep. Do 15 reps. Switch legs; repeat.
3. Calf Carver: Raise right knee to hip level, toes pointed, hands behind head. Contract abs as you lift left heel as high as you can off floor, balancing on ball of foot (as shown). Hold for 3 seconds, then lower heel for 1 rep. Do 15 reps. Switch legs; repeat.

4. Twisting Toner: Step right leg into a lunge, arms out to sides, rotating upper body to right until arms align with right thigh (as shown). Rotate to center, stepping right leg back to meet left. Repeat on opposite side for 1 rep. Do 12 reps.
5. Ass Kicker: Start on all fours, knees under hips, hands slightly in front of shoulders. Lift and extend right leg as high as you can, toes pointed (as shown). Keeping leg straight, cross right leg over left leg and tap toes to floor, then swing right leg up as high as you can and across to right, again tapping toes, for 1 rep. Do 15 reps. Switch legs; repeat.
6. Leaping Firmer: Stand with feet together, hands clasped in front of chest. Step left leg into a forward lunge. Push off floor immediately, jumping as high as you can (as shown). Land in a lunge with right leg forward for 1 rep. Do 15 reps as quickly as possible.

Good luck with the rest of your day and stay awesome!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

NTHS 21 Day Challenge : Day 1

Good morning!

Today marks the beginning of our 21 day journey to getting healthier this holiday season.  If you're following the meal plan, chances are this is what your breakfast looked like:

Today also marks our first Cardio HIIT workout - keep it under 30 minutes and follow some interval arrangement (from 20 seconds on, 10 off to 2 minutes on, 1 minute off).
If you're at a loss, try this basic gym class-inspired routine:

    - 5 minute warm-up with jogging in place, butt kicks, jumping jacks, high knees, low switch kicks
    - 3 minute stretch (don't over-stretch)
   Circuit A
    - Shuttle runs (think about running to pick up that eraser and back to start) x 45 second
    - Rest 15 seconds
    - Situps (fast) x 45 seconds
    - Rest 15 seconds
    - High Jump (high as your can, arms way up over head) x 45 seconds
    - Rest 15 seconds
   Repeat Circuit A x 2 (total 3 times)
   Circuit B
    - "100 yard dash" (sprint in place) x 45 seconds
    - Rest 15 seconds
    - Push ups x 45 seconds
    - Rest 15 seconds
    - Long jump (jump as far as possible from standing) x 45 seconds
   Repeat Circuit B x 2 (total 3 times)
    - 5 minute cool down and stretch

As a side note, I want to encourage you to take a minute to reflect on how you feel about your fitness and diet up to now.  Have you been eating foods that nourish your body?  Have you found a way to have fun with exercise?  Write down where you are today and where you hope to be at the end of the challenge.  What are your longterm goals?  Taking time to write them down on paper can help you visualize and give you that little push to start making the right steps.

Good luck with the rest of your Day 1!  Feel free to check in here, in the comments, with your questions and concerns :)


Friday, November 29, 2013

NTHS 21 Day Challenge : All the Deets : Workout Plan

Alright, now that we've got the eating plan figured out, let's get down to the fun part.  Seriously, because unlike the food situation, the next three weeks of workouts will be all about having a good time and discovering new moves!

Download the image and print to keep track of your progress during the challenge!

Above is very generic calendar for you to follow for the 21 day challenge.
Cardio HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training (30 min or less of all-out interval training)
Strength Training = No gym required! I'll try to find unique, free at-home options
Something NEW = Something you've never tried (dance, spinning, kickboxing, basketball)
Cardio Endurance = Do your favorite cardio for 45 min or more at a mostly steady pace
Something FUN = Your favorite activity (walking the dog, soccer with friends, bench-press competition with your husband)
Stretch/Rest = Active recovery with pilates, yoga, or any low-intensity movement (or sleeping late)

Along the way, I'll post workouts that I find to be fun and unique.  Feel free to reach out for advice :)

You ready for this?!  I am!

(If you haven't already, be sure to check out my post about the Food portion of the NTHS 21 Day Challenge!  You'll want to be nice and prepared for Monday.)


NTHS 21 Day Challenge : All the Deets : Food

"Not This Holiday Season!"
Unfortunately, that phrase is the all-too-familiar battle cry that falls quiet once I've sedated my enthusiasm with piles of cake, stuffing, gravy, cookies, candy, hot chocolate...
I spoke yesterday about the importance of forgiving ourselves for the holiday indulgences, but that doesn't mean we can't be proactive about preventing holiday weight-gain.

So in that spirit, I'm challenging myself - and by extension you - to 21 days of no-sugar-added paleo and mixing up my workout routine.  We start December 2nd, so we'll be wrapping up the challenge days before Christmas.  Hopefully this'll give us all a bit of wiggle room in our Santa pajamas for plenty of hot cocoa and cookies on Christmas Eve.

The challenge has two parts: Eat + Move
This post will outline the first part, and a second post will talk a bit about the workout plan.

If you're like me, the thought of 21 days without added sugars or sweeteners seems nearly impossible.  Preparation gives you the best chance for success, so clear out your fridge and stock up for the next 3 weeks based on the foods listed below:

Eat Me
Beverages: almond milk, coconut milk, coffee, tea, seltzer
All meat, seafood, eggs
Full fat dairy
Green Veggies, Squash, Cabbage, Leafy greens, Tomatoes, etc (basically all veggies)
Fruit: lemon/lime, avocado
All nuts and nut butters except peanuts and cashews
Other: cocoa, chia, coconut flour, seeds, coconut oil, broth, mustard, yeast, spices, herbs, vinegar

Limit Me
Veggies: acorn squash, beets, butternut squash, green peas, pumpkin
Fruit: green bananas, grapefruit, green apples
Grains/Legumes: Amaranth, beans and chickpeas,  Quinoa, Rice
Coconut water/juice

Don't Eat Me
Breads, brownies, cakes, candy, cereal, granola, chips, couscous, crackers, oats, orzo, pasta, pita, rice cakes, popcorn, tortillas, corn, plantains, soy beans, sweet potatoes, barley, flour (spelt, wheat, etc), sweet fruit, cashews and peanuts, condiments/canned stuff
Aaaaand, the real kicker: no alcohol

Now, you can use the lists above to create your own meals based around the foods you love, but if you need some specific ideas, here are links to recipes created by the 21DSD author (click the picture):


Beef, Pork, Lamb



That about covers the food portion.  I'll follow-up with some ideas for easy and quick meals.  I'm a little overwhelmed with the meal plan and recipes that accompany the 21DSD book, so I know I'll be making some stripped-down versions.

Here's a sample meal plan for Week 1:
M:  Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffins (make ahead on Sunday, freeze extra)
       Chicken (bake extra from making muffins) salad with favorite veggies, dressed with oil + vinegar
       Mexi-Meatloaf with brussels sprouts
T:   Leftover meatloaf crumbled into omelet with 1 or 2 eggs
       Chicken and leftover brussels sprouts
       Salmon Cakes and green salad
W:  Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffin
       Leftover salmon cake, sliced avocado
       Leftover Mexi-Meatloaf crumbled over salad greens with Avocado Ranch
R:   Sausage and scrambled eggs with sliced green apple
       Turkey and Bacon Cobb Salad
       Spaghetti Squash with the 21DSD Spaghetti Sauce and crumbled sausage
F:   Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffin
       Leftover spaghetti sauce and sausage over steamed veggies
       Smoky Mexican Tortilla-less Soup
Sa:  Zucchini Pancakes
       Leftover soup
       Steak and Veggie Kabobs with garlic butter mashed cauliflower
Su:  Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffin or leftover pancakes, sausage, etc
        Leftover luncheon (clean out the fridge)
        Slow Cooker Roast Chicken and green veggies

Snacks: Throughout the week, keep some seasoned, roasted nuts (no sugar), jerky or green apples handy for between-meal snacking.

Let me know if you have any questions about this post.  Keep an eye out for a post detailing the exercise portion of the "Not This Holiday Season" 21 Day Challenge!


Your Health: Goals, Disappointment, and Forgiveness

Well, it's Black Friday...a day for shopping and digesting.  If you're like me, you may be feeling a bit of the "why did I eat all that pie?" tummy doldrums.  Today is like an annual walk-of-shame after a day of near-painful gluttony.  It can be tough to fight the urge to step on the scale and assess the damage or to give yourself some leeway if you're out trying on clothes in the madness of shopping today's sales.  So let's all spend a minute taking a couple deep breaths and letting go of all that emotion.  Yesterday was great, wasn't it?  You got to see your family and friends.  You got the day off work.  You took some time to nourish your soul.  You also got to enjoy some great food!  There is no reason to feel guilty for the indulgence.

I'd like to start a discussion on why we put so much emotion into our eating, our fitness, our lifestyle.  It seems like each of these areas has become yet another arena in which we can Fail.  And Failure is inevitable because we set perfection as our goal.  And when we believe we have Failed, it becomes another opportunity to feel Less.  But really, food, fitness and lifestyle should be opportunities to feel good about who we are and to allow ourselves the freedom to experience new things.  Not being perfect should be an opportunity to practice forgiving ourselves.

I'll try to recruit your input for a series of posts about these issues.

I want to talk about #Fitspiration.  I want to talk about health and fitness magazines who employ fitness models with 10% body fat.  I want to talk about how we've moved from idealizing bodies that look like Kate Moss to trying to emulate bodies that look like they never take a day off from the gym.  I want to talk about the promotion of total self-control and junk-food abstinence as some kind of ultimate virtue.  And most importantly I want to listen to what you have to say about striving for health in today's "Health & Fitness" environment.
Really? Still looks like <15% body fat to me...
I'm sure this reflects a totally, 100% healthy attitude about fitness...
If you don't see any harm in the above, I encourage you to read this post.

Now, for those of you who are interested in joining me for 21 days of breaking the sugar habit and exploring new and exciting workouts - keep an eye out for a post tomorrow that'll walk you through some necessary prep!

Go enjoy your leftovers :-)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Skinny on Supplements

I am sitting in the locker room at my gym getting ready to unleash a day’s frustration of work out on the unexpecting dumbbells waiting for me.  While trying to separate my work thoughts and get ready to enjoy working out, I can’t help but over hear a guy, younger than me, talk about his laundry list of supplements he takes.  Like most people he has forgotten the definition of the word supplement.  As he talks he lists of small meals with insane amounts of supplements in which he hopes to use to become captain swoll.

Since listening in on this conversation, I have been paying more and more attention to the supplement industry and all the items they offer and their results; or “possible” results.  I love nothing more than when I flick through social media to see some Arnold Schwarzenegger look alike that is advertising a pill can make you big and strong and 0% body fat.  In the wise words of Arnold, “you cannot get muscle from a little pill”.

The supplement industry is booming.  Make me bigger, smaller, thinner, wider, etc.  I am not going to stand in front of the class and tell you which supplements you should take and how much/often.  Supplements are meant to SUPPLEMENT your diet.  For example, I generally have trouble reaching my desired protein intake and thus utilize whey protein twice a day.  I also can preach about a multi vitamin as well as the benefits of fish oil and creatine, but I won’t and many references online can do a much better job.  As you well know, everybody is different, as well as their workout routines and nutrition, so a person’s supplement usage should also differ.  It is important to base your supplements around your personal nutrition plan which should be setup to maximize your gains and/or loss.  Don’t go dropping tons of money into the supplement industry without at least taking the time to understand each supplement and their benefits.  No matter what supplements you are taking, chances are you won’t be able to out-do your horrible diet.  So wise up in the kitchen before splashing the cash on supplements.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The "Not This Holiday Season" 21 Day Challenge

Alright guys,

I sincerely apologize for the 6 weeks of radio silence.  I was busy with pregnant women, learning all about obstetrics and other lady business.  So much fun...

But anywho, I want to take this post to invite anyone (and everyone) to join me on a 21 day challenge that will bridge Thanksgiving and Christmas and help you prep your body for the piles of deliciousness that each holiday brings.

Basically, from December 2nd to December 22nd, I am going to be following the 21 Day Sugar Detox plan and attempting to fit in 6 diverse workouts each week.  The idea is to break my sugar addiction, learn about some new fitness routines, and give myself a little extra room for guilt-free indulgence over the holidays. I would be really excited if you would join me!

I want to make this FREE for you to participate - but I also don't want to reproduce protected material from the 21DSD book.  I'll post the recipes that are already available online and general information to help you fill out the rest of your meal plans.  Additionally, I hope to post 3 or more FREE workouts each week.  Excited yet?

Keep an eye out over the following days for more details about the Challenge (I'm flying by the seat of my pants on this one, so we'll be learning by doing) and also a post about Guilt, Forgiveness, Priorities as they pertain to your health and fitness goals (it'll be like an episode "Deep Thoughts").

If you want to take part, you can subscribe to the blog to get notified of updates OR send me your email address and I'll let you know when I'm posting about the challenge.

Peace be with you,

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Crossroads - Crossfit on the fly! Free and Convenient WODs!

 One fact that is most likely universally true for everyone is that life can get crazy, sometimes unpredictable, and even occasionally uncontrollable. So how do you make sure you get your crossfit WOD in when traveling, away from home, or just too busy to make it to your home box (crossfit term for gym). There are tons of options and online resources to help ensure that you get that fitness fix for the day. Some of these are also great alternatives if affording the expensive box membership is an issue. In this post I'll just talk about one of these great resources, but never fear there's more where this comes from and will continue to share soon.
            In this last year, life for me has become significantly more insane and I have often found myself away from my home box, out of state with limited free time, and out in the middle of a third world country. This past summer I went on a medical mission trip to Cambodia for three weeks and of course one of the first things to come to my mind was….”Are there crossfit boxes in Cambodia?” For those of you racking your brain over this question, the answer is NO, there are definitely no crossfit gyms in Cambodia, not where we were anyways, which was out in makeshift clinics in churches in the middle of rice patties. Panic ensued….three weeks of no crossfit, no sticking to my paleo diet, and eating rice and French baguettes with every meal. Just thinking about the deconditioning, losing all the strength I had built back up after my back injury, and of course the potential weight gain were all subjects contributing to my angst. Luckily I found the solution I was looking for…The Traveling WOD! This site is great because it has TONS of workouts posted that you can pick and choose from, making it easy to get a quick workout in when you happen find yourself somewhere with no or limited workout equipment, like at your home/apartment, at a hotel, or at a bungalow in the middle of Kampot, Cambodia. They post daily WODs if this is something that you want to follow long-term at home or for extended travel, but personally I just used their travel WOD library so that I could make my workout fit my environment each day. Of course having the most amazing boyfriend who knew and understood my concern for going three weeks with not being able to adhere to my current workout and diet regimen surprised me with my very own workout care package for my trip, which only increased my workout options even more.

I would highly recommend slowly (or all at once) investing in at least some of these items just because of the variety it could add to your WODs and strength building movements that can apply to your Oly (Olympic) lifts and gymnastic skills when you are able to make it to a box. Some ideas include: an abmat for sit-ups and handstand pushups, rings and straps for ring dips, ring pull ups/ring rows, ring pushups, muscle-up progressions, muscle-ups themselves, and toes to rings, a jump rope for a good cardio alternative to running, and of course resistance bands and a roller for mobility and recovery. There are obviously other accessories that could be useful for traveling by road, but all of the things I named were able to fit in my gym bag and were not too cumbersome to take with me to the other side of the planet. Where there’s a will, there’s a way so check out this link and make fitness and crossfit work for you and whatever life throws your way!   

Rings hanging from the second story railing at the Natural Bungalows, our home for the 2 1/2 weeks we stayed in Kampot, Cambodia....they also look great hanging from rafters!  The resistance band can be used to assist in ring dips until you build enough strength to do multiple ring dips in a row.
Handstand pushups with an abmat at the resort we visited one weekend in Kep, Cambodia. Definitely had to rearrange the furniture to get the space we needed, but you do what you gotta do!
Don't forget that you can use nature, which is always free, to get a good workout. While in Kep we hiked several miles of mountainous terrain to see the temples that had been built at the top. Very awesome and obviously lots of hard work and sweat went into to this adventure. 

On Rabbit Island in Kep, Cambodia getting ready to kayak in the Gulf of Thailand. Kayaking is an awesome core and upper body workout as much as it is cardio and renting kayaks are usually fairly inexpensive.

Until next time, keep calm and crossfit! hnh

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Before you hit the gym, take a look in your pantry

Before walking into the gym or wherever it is that you like to work out, you have probably already made 4-5 decisions far more important than whatever you are about to do. Let’s talk nutrition for a minute. Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist, I am not a doctor, or a certified trainer; all of these statements are solely based on my experiences, both good and bad.

You may remember from my intro my previous life as a college soccer player. When I was playing I was able to eat anything in sight; 3-4 hours of practice/weights will do that to a person. After graduating and exploring different aspects of fitness and exercise, I settled into the weight room. I did months of workouts and wasn’t getting the results I wanted. The fact is, no matter what you do for the hour you are at the gym, it will not overcome the other 23 hours in a day. Once I got my nutrition in check I started to see the results I was hoping for. Here is what I have learned:

--People will tell you to lose weight you must eat multiple small meals throughout the day. I can’t disagree with this more. Eat when you are hungry- if you are not hungry, don’t eat. Simple enough.

--Cut out the processed nonsense. If you can’t pronounce the word, you probably shouldn’t eat it.

--Focus on clean sources of protein: chicken, fish, etc.

--All fats aren’t bad; don’t avoid the good ones. You should understand the difference between the fat in a candy bar and the fat in an avocado.

--Carbs aren't the enemy, as long as you get the important carbs. This goes back to the processed comment; focus on whole grains.

--Track your macros (carbs, fats, protein) but don’t obsess over them. I only suggest tracking them so you can really get a glimpse of what you put in your body. If you have to write it down, you have to be more aware of what you are eating.  Don't let this become obsessive to the point where you also cannot enjoy food.

--Plan out meals. It’s easy to grab something unhealthy when it's 6pm and you want dinner, but if you already have your meal planned you're much more likely to eat something in line with your health goals.

--Diets are temporary, change your lifestyle.

--MOST IMPORTANTLY: If you are going to have a cheat meal, whether it is cake, candy bar, whatever, then make sure you satisfy the craving. Enjoy the indulgence and then get past it.

Hopefully you can incorporate as many, if not all, of these into your routine. Whether you are trying to gain weight, lose it, or just maintain, nutrition is number one. Don’t forget, your body keeps a journal that everyone can read. Next up on my list of posts is supplementation! Until next time, work hard in the gym and get in the kitchen!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sometimes you feel like a Nut...tasty, yet easy Paleo Granola!

One of my guilty pleasures since starting Crossfit and changing my diet has become nuts, particularly almonds and cashews. I don’t know if something has changed about my metabolism or what, but I used to NEVER eat them, like ever, and now I’m fairly certain that I could live off of them alone. Tree nuts contain a good bit of fat, but it's a healthy fat so I suppose it's better to binge eat on almonds than Twinkies. This is one of my down falls though, because although they are healthy and completely Paleo/Whole30, I still believe that you should practice some self-restraint and only eat them in moderation (something I tend to epically fail at). I’ve even read in some places that you should only eat them in amounts equivalent to a topping, like for your salad or other meals, rather than eating them in handfuls on their own as a snack. On the other hand, I have read or know of many athletes who will have a palm full of nuts with breakfast or lunch, so as always you just have to figure out what amount works for your body and your level of workout intensity.

I have to admit that I haven’t had time to finish reading “Paleo Solution” by Robb Wolf, but I hope to sometime in the relatively near future and I will hopefully be able to give you a little more insight on this topic when I do. Dallas and Melissa’s book, “It Starts with Food,” contains a table that is helpful to decide which nuts (and seeds) are better for you when you do choose to eat them. The best nut choices include cashews, hazelnuts, and macadamia nuts. The middle category contains almonds, brazil nuts, pecans, and pistachios. Flax seeds, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and walnuts make up the lowest tier of this type of food.

            A big mistake that I made shortly after starting crossfit, but before my Whole30 challenge was that I would have peanuts as a mid-day or pre-workout snack from time to time. Contrary to their name, peanuts are NOT nuts! Peanuts are considered legumes, a food group that includes beans and lentils; and legumes are not Paleo or Whole30. The argument against legumes, and therefore peanuts, is that they act similar to how grains affect your gut, whole separate topic for a  future blog.

            Nonetheless, granola (when eaten in moderation) can make for a delicious, yet, healthy and filling snack. My favorite is to eat it like cereal with almond milk and maybe some fresh sliced fruit or berries, but it’s just as good on its own! Here is the original recipe, but I made a few changes: (I get a lot of my recipes from “Just Eat Real Food” on facebook…they post a lot of great stuff, but be sure to read the ingredients because I have found some non-Paleo stuff on there and some of it is Primal instead of Paleo; you can also pin this stuff to your pinterest which is what I do…feel free to follow me there as well!).

   2 cups nuts (I used cashews, raw slivered almonds, hazelnuts and chopped pecans- pulsed in magic bullet to break into to small pieces, but not ground completely)
   1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes (I used desiccated, but shredded would work as well)
   1/2 cup sunflower seeds
   2 tbsp flaxseed meal
   2 tbsp sesame seeds (I used pumpkin seeds instead)
   1 tbsp cinnamon
   1 tsp pumpkin pie spice (optional and I used apple pie spice because I didn’t like pumpkin pie when I last tried it so I figured pumpkin spice granola may not be my favorite either)
   Dash of salt
   3 tbsp coconut oil
   3 tbsp honey (I was running short on honey when I made this last so I substituted the difference with pure maple syrup)
   1 tsp vanilla extract
   2 tbsp pure maple syrup (can sub agave/or omit)
   1 tbsp almond butter

1. Preheat oven to 350
2. In a large bowl combine nuts, coconut flakes, sunflower seeds, flaxseed meal, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, pumpkin/apple pie spice, and a dash of salt.
3.  In a pan on the stove combine coconut oil, honey, vanilla extract, pure maple syrup, and almond butter; Let boil.

4. Once boiling, pour over dry mixture in the bowl. Mix thoroughly.
5. Pour onto baking sheet. A lot of times I'll double the recipe, but regardless be sure to spread the mixture well so there's only a thin, even layer otherwise you may end up with the thinner parts burned and the thicker sections a little undercooked. Bake at 350, stirring occasionally, until slightly brown (watch carefully to ensure that it doesn’t burn!)

6. Let cool and then break apart and its ready to eat or be stored!

~ Hailey ~

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Insanity and Making Plyo Work for You

I want to do a quick shout out to my awesome husband who weathered (teehee) tons of rain and mud a couple weeks ago so that I could enjoy day 2 of Music Midtown.  He didn't say it directly, but I'm sure if it were just him, he'd have bypassed all that muck and just spent the day hopping breweries.

Just to give you an idea of how much walking you can do at an outdoor concert/festival, here's screenshot from my Fitbit app:

Pretty impressive, no?  Kind of amazing how far you can walk if you're on your feet all day.  
As an aside, I love my Fitbit Flex.  Jeremy has the Jawbone Up but has managed to break it twice.

So, the point of today's post is to provide a quick review of the Insanity fitness program from Beachbody, but more importantly, to provide some advice for getting the benefits of a plyometric workout no matter what your favorite exercise happens to be.

My journey: I started Insanity on my 24th birthday after an insomnia-fueled pledge to actually get into shape after years of off-an-on weekend warrioring.  At the time, my fitness level amounted to running less than 6 miles per week and some occasional yoga or pilates.  The first two weeks were basically torture - my legs were so sore I could hardly function.  Eventually I learned that taking some extra time to stretch or go for a walk after the videos kept the pain to a dull ache.  Somehow, I made it through 9 weeks of intense, gut-busting plyometrics - and my results were pretty great.

I won't bore you with the details of every workout - other sites break down each DVD, including runtime and difficulty.  Instead, I want to highlight the unexpected benefits of this kind of HIIT Plyo.  Ok, if you want the gory details, scroll down to the postscript and I'll do a breakdown of each workout.

- HIIT is a super efficient way to burn mega calories.  I don't necessarily buy into the idea of "after burn" that all the HIITers will try to sell you on, but just calories burned in the workout can be impressive.

- Plyo will cut time off your runs/bike rides/laps at the pool.  You can't NOT build crazy muscle doing plyo.  I struggled to break a 10 min mile before Insanity - after 2 months I was closing in on a 7:30 pace.  I didn't run AT ALL while doing those 9 weeks, but still managed to shave 25% off my mile time.

- Plyo and HIIT is fun.  You are constantly changing your moves, changing your focus, going all out or catching your breath.  Time flies.

- You can get abs without working your abs.  Okay, you are technically working your abs, but it's like a secret.  Every jump, and every lateral movement can target in on your midsection if you just focus on keeping your core tight.  I never thought I would be one of those people with any kind of definition, but after Insanity I started to believe.

- You'll learn to love it.  I remember a time when dreaded any workout that involved jumping.  My rare days in the gym were spent on the elliptical or bike.  Jumping just seemed so exhausting.  Well, it is - but it's also really fun.  You find your inner kid pretty quickly.  You start to challenge yourself - higher! faster! Can I land without making any sound - like a ninja?!

Now, all that being said, you should definitely take it slow if you are new to these kind of workouts.  Plyo is the definition of high-impact and you need to be healthy to take it on.

Because not everyone has $120 laying around, I've got some recommendations for including Plyo into your normal workout routine:

Are you a runner?
    New to plyo?  Start skipping!  Seriously.  On your next run, take a lap or a quarter mile and skip it out.  Then back to running.  Then a lap of high knees, and another of butt kicks.  You may look silly, but these three moves will give you more power with time.
    Feel stronger?  At your halfway point, take a quick minute to stretch.  Then get to work with a few minutes of squat jumps, jump lunges, side-to-side hops.  Then go ahead and finish your run - bonus points if you treat it like an interval routine with sprints and recovery jogs.

Are you a pilates junkie?  Try these moves designed to lengthen your limbs while working up a sweat.
    Once you are nice and warmed up, start with vertical jumps (start with feet together, squat slightly then jump straight up, arms reaching high, getting as much air as you can).  Continue for up to a minute.
    Then get into a high plank and jump feet in, keeping legs straight, into a pike position.  Do a pike pushup and jump back.  Repeat x 20.
    Star jumps are next.  Feet together, squat down and touch your toes, then jump up, reaching arms and legs out wide and landing softly with feet together.  Return to start and repeat for up to a minute.
    Finish it off with pushup jacks.  Starting in a high plank, jump feet (and arms if you're up for challenge) out and lower down.  Bring legs (and arms) back together as you push back up.

Never leave the weights room?  Keep some dumbbells near by for these revved up moves.
     Burpee with curls is a great combo.  Stand, holding dumbbells to your sides then lower down, jump back into plank (if you have perfectly circular weights, you need to set them down; if not, you can keep your grip on them as handles).  Jump feet back in (knees together) and stand, curling into a strong bicep contraction.  Repeat for one minute.  Add in a pushup at the bottom for extra points.
   Next, do weighted 180 squat jumps.  Holding one dumbbell against your chest, squat low.  Jump up, spinning 180 degrees and pushing arms up high over your head.  Land softly and repeat x 20.
   Finish it off with weighted calf hops by starting with two basic weighted calf raises and following up with an explosive hop into the air, knees bent slightly to absorb your landing but focus on just using your calf for the power.  Repeat the raise-raise-hop move 25 times.

Alright, unless you are really interested in exactly what Insanity will put you through, I'll leave you here.  I appreciate you making it this far into a pretty dense post!  Think of all the calories your eye muscles must have burned!!

Go earn some sweat :)

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