Saturday, September 14, 2013

550 Rep Fat Massacre - from Zuzana at

Happy Saturday!  I hope the weather where you are is as gorgeous as it is here...
Today's workout is outdoor friendly!

I've got another free workout for you today - this one from the crazy shredded lady at
Click here for the original post on that page.  I've reproduced most of it below - I also embedded the instructional video.

What you need: About 30 minutes, music, watch/timer, water, towel and some True Grit
What you get: Fast, effective, low-impact cardio and strength

The Workout:  Complete the following in as little time as possible, but watch your form!
- Backward Lunge Kick Up (25 reps each leg)
      Step back with right leg into deep lunge.  As you come up, bring the right leg forward into a high kick and reach for your toe with your left arm.  Repeat x 25 then switch sides.
- Walk Over Push Ups (50 reps)
      Start in plank with feet together and hands under shoulders.  Step right foot out and left arm in so feet are apart and hands are together.  Step left foot to right foot and move right arm out to return to plank.  Do a push up.  Reverse directions.  Each push up counts as a rep.
      Make it easier: Keep feet apart for push up or do knee push ups.
      Make it harder: Keep one foot off the floor during the push up
- Mountain Climber (50 reps)
      In plank, step right foot forward then switch legs fast.  I count on the same leg each time (100 switches for 50 reps).
- Sumo Squats Knee Up (50 reps)
      Drop deeply into a wide squat.  As you come up, bring right knee to chest, turning torso slightly to the right.  Repeat x 50, alternating legs.
- One Leg Bridge with Leg Raise (25 reps each leg)
      Lie on floor with knees bent and feet close to buttocks.  Lift hips into air, keeping core tight.  Straighten out right leg and raise foot to ceiling and back down, keeping hips off the ground.  Repeat x 25 and switch sides.
- Side-to-Side Squat with Leg Lift (50 reps)
      Lower into squat and shift weight to right heel.  Kick left foot out to side as high as possible, keeping knee straight and toes pointing forward.  Stay as low as possible during kick and then lower left leg, returning to centered squat.  Repeat x 50, alternating sides.
- One Arm Triceps Push Ups (25 reps each arm)
      Lie on left side with left hand gripping right shoulder.  With right hand a few inches in front of left shoulder, push up, concentrating on triceps and right chest.  Repeat x 25 then switch sides.
- Star Crunch (50 reps)
      Lie on back with feet straight up in the air and reach arms back behind head.  Crunch up, opening legs to sides and reaching hands between your thighs.  Return to start.  Repeat x 50
- Diagonal Touch Down (25 reps each side)
     Stand with feet shoulder's width apart. Squat down, reaching over to left foot.  Try to touch the ground a couple inches outside your foot.  Stand up quickly, reaching up and to the right, twisting torso and focusing on obliques.  Repeat x 25 and then switch sides.
- Side Plank Lift (25 reps each side)
      Raise up into side plank with free hand on hip or behind your head.  Drop hips slowly and then lift back up - do not touch the floor.  Repeat x 25 then switch sides.
      Make it easier: Low side plank on elbow, top foot slightly in front of bottom foot
      Make it harder: High side plank on hand, feet stacked
      Make it brutal: As you bring hips up, lift top foot into air
      Make it deadly:  Keep top foot in air throughout move
- One Leg Wall Sit (25 reps each leg)
      With back flush against wall, lower into seated position, knees bent 90 degrees.  Lift right foot off the floor.  With knee straight, lift and lower right leg x 25, then switch sides.

My time: 19:45
Calorie Burn: 200

I added a 5 minute warm-up: jumping jacks, jog-in-place, bounce-to-music, dynamic stretching
I also added a 5 min cool-down: same as above
Total calorie burn: 300 for just over 30 minutes.

Strengths: Burns as many calories as a plyometrics workout without any actual jumping.  No equipment necessary.  Hits all the major muscle groups.  Appropriate for most intermediate/advanced fitness levels.  Most people should be able to finish within 30 minutes.

Weaknesses: Having to check the list between each move.  No description of form - must watch video to see moves.  Feeling inadequate compared to her utter shreddedness.  Should probably add your own warm-up and stretch.  Starts with lunges -_-

That's it for today!  Happy sweating!

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